Target Audience
Competitive Brand Analysis
Competitive Product Analysis

Market Positioning
Brand Strategy
THE PROJECT:  Fictive creation of a new brand of the company TIGI
Infographic: Current brands of the company TIGI
Infographic: Current brands of the company TIGI
“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.” 
- Albert Einstein -
TIGI already covers a wide range of brands and target groups. For the new brand, we therefore opt for niche marketing.
Infographic: Current brands of the company TIGI incl. newly created brand
Infographic: Current brands of the company TIGI incl. newly created brand
Infographic: Moodboard of the new target group
Infographic: Moodboard of the new target group
- 16-25 years old
- Female and male
- Urban / City dweller
- Value well-groomed appearance
- Fashion-conscious
- Clothing: streetwear
- Style: different from mainstream; target group not
- Playful
- Sporty
- Adventurous
- Like anarchical structures
- Want to belong to a group
- Don't find their natural beauty enough
- Have enough money to be able to afford exclusive products
- Not approached in EU for professional care products
- 16-25 Jahre alt
- weiblich und männlich
- urban / Städter
- legen Wert auf gepflegtes Äußeres
- modebewusst
- Kleidung: Streetwear
- Style: abweichend vom Mainstream; Zielgruppe nicht
- verspielt
- sportlich
- abenteuerlustig
- mögen anarchische Strukturen
- wollen einer Gruppe angehören
- finden ihre natürliche Schönheit nicht genug
- haben genügend Geld, um sich exklusive Produkte leisten zu können
- in EU bei professionellen Pflegeprodukten nicht angesprochen
Defining and analyzing personas / stereotypes
Defining and analyzing personas / stereotypes
Definition based on Social Models
Definition of the target group based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Definition of the target group based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Definition of the target group based on the Sinus-Milieus

Definition of the target group based on the Sinus-Milieus

Target group analysis through Maslow's pyramid of needs:
- Seeking their identity and place in society
- Ego need: not finding oneself beautiful enough > being more beautiful
- Ego need: self-realization
- Group affiliation
How do brands visually communicate that are already successfully addressing my target audience?
Analysis of the brands Rip Curl, Supreme, WESC and Kevin Murphy
Analyzing direct and indirect competitors that address the same target audience 

Brands: Rip Curl, Supreme, WESC and Kevin Murphy
Sample Benchmark Analysis WESC:
- Tonality = Trendy and for insiders only
- Selling emotion
- Show images of the target group having fun in their free time
- Express individuality through color
- Almost no text
Competitor Analysis Products - Overview
Competitor Analysis Products - Overview
Competitive Analysis Products - Defined
Competitive Analysis Products - Defined
Competitive Analysis Products - Defined
Competitive Analysis Products - Defined
Salon products = quiet tonality
Drugstore products = loud tonality
>>> The new brand with the predefined name "East Street" should be placed somewhere between those.

Visualized through the positioning honeycomb
Infographic: Market positioning of competitors and the new, fictitious TIGI brand
Infographic: Market positioning hub of competitors and the new, fictitious TIGI brand
Competitor selection criterias:
+ Hairdressing salon products from the same price range
+ High quality drugstore products
+ Transparent packaging
Infographic: Analysis of the main competitor, Not Your Mother's, with the new fictitious TIGI brand
Infographic: Analysis of market positioning hub with the main competitor, Not Your Mother's, compared to the new fictitious TIGI brand
Main competitor:
- Same target group
- Plans market establishment in EU
Goal of our positioning:
- Clear differentiation
Brand Strategy: Opportunities, Risks, Consumer Benefit, Reason Why, Creative Lead Idea, USP (unique selling proposition), Claim
Markenstrategie: Chancen, Risiken, Verbrauchernutzen, Reason Why, Kreative Leitidee, USP (Alleinstellungsmerkmal), Claim

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